I despise this picture, though I should not forget to state that it is the first 4 statements that I despise in particular. The certain deductions that are seen at many places, as the picture portrays, are very derogatory, very insulting to the actual idea that the commandments express. The meaning as shown by this picture is NOT what I realized when I read the 10 commandments. I am not a Christian, nor do I believe in criticizing the followers, but it is what I believe, that I have written down. s. Initially it had me wondering about the truth. I asked God. He said.."The first few commandments are what are seen totally skewed."
The following is actually my conversations with god. The underlined ones is God's statement and the normal ones are mine. Read through.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me: I am god; the supreme; the creator. Everything and all were created by me. There was nothing before me. I am the origin, the source, the beginning, the starting point of everything. This statement does not mean, or try to bring difference between religions, with the intent that the god of Christianity, or that of the Jews or that of the Moslems are alone who are Gods.
Thou shalt make unto thee any graven image: Imagine me as with any grave form as that arises in your mind. It is left to the discretion of your minds. If you see me as light or if you see me as darkness, I am still God. I can form before you in any shape or size, any imaginable form, be it congruent or not. I am anything. This has been found to be in constant use to condemn the belief of a lot who perceive God in a lot of different ways and in many different6 forms, like that of a Hindu, or any pagan follower.
Thou shalt not take the name of the lord, thy god in vain: Take my name, irrespective of your belief with fervor and in total assurance, for I do not but bless. You will never find it is in vain that you prayed for, for I am your actions and the results and whatever the results be, it is the best for you. This helps us to believe in god without ever doubting him, whatever form that we believe, it still is God.
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy: Remember me on a day, to respect me and my creations, to thank me and thank my creations, for all the present past and future. It is I who created, creates and will create. So for you let all days be holy. Let all day be the Sabbath day. This phrase only guides us to be thankful of what we see and experience. It tells us to revere being existent. It does not say only a single day is holy. It teaches us to take every day as a blessing.
Honour thy father and mother: Respect your father and mother. For they created you. So for you they are Gods. Respect and revere them. Only then what you have, will you radiate. This tells you that only if you honour them, would it be able for you to attain characters that are to be exhibited to others around.
Thou shalt not kill: You may not kill anything, for it is I who created and I alone who ends the existence. But I alone would make you do it, and it may not bring you any gain. You may not kill any character that you have, for such are their worth that I alone understand. These are qualities to be expressed based on our existence among a society, and so are those mentioned so forth.
Thou shalt not commit adultery: You may not bring to shame the meaning of love. It is divinity. It is holiness. Respect that, for that itself is eternal service in my name, for if spoken to me through hearts, better can I hear and respond. This brings to our understanding that when loving someone or something, be it a man or a woman or an idea or a duty, and do so with the utmost purpose and passion. Do not love a person with someone else in mind. Do not love an idea with something else in mind. That is adultery.
Thou shalt not steal: Nothing is yours, nor is anything to be yours, because everything is yours and everything that was and everything that is to be, is yours. So there is no necessity to steal. This makes it clear that such a character is not worthy, because all that we own and all that we try to attain are only that which we may hug for the period of our existence that we call life. After that it is for someone else. So it has already been stolen from you, if you see it with a ‘distant eye’.
Thou shalt bear false witnesses: You may not for your interest lie. You may not for your interest believe what you did was wrong. You may not bear untruth on you for incriminating others in front of others. For if you do so you are pushing yourself away from what is true. This lets us take corrective measures, whether in respect of what you see in others or that which you see as in conflict with your deductions, so that we may get the positive result that brings us the good.
Thou shalt not covet: You may not covet, or desire that which is not yours. You may not even desire what your friend or foe has, even if it is just an idea. For you, your birth may be to convey a different message. Learn to live with these and you will find that you have certain things that others don’t. This rule is very self explanatory, telling us to understand us and find our purpose. If you think failing to follow this rule is ‘OK’, then in reality you are breaking all the above rules.