Saturday, May 06, 2006

Letter to God

Dear Mr. God,

This mail may have traveled the seven seas and passed the seven continents and have somehow found you reading it, though I still don’t know which seven seas and seven continents it passed. Jokes apart, let me tell you that it was with great interest that I went through CwG 1 and is now going through CwG 2. The reason I thought of writing to you is not, for just supporting your idea of sharing your conversations with Neale to all people, but for bringing to your knowledge something that may really make you blow your fuse.

To tell the truth, I have also started talking to You. I hear from me what I knew. I hear from within me answers to questions that even respectful elders would never have given a 24 yr old kid like me. I am not a Christian, nor a Moslem, a Buddhist nor a Jew. By birth, I am a Hindu, form India. But I don’t believe in the discrepancies that these “damn” religions nurse. I call them the Greatest Lie. Sorry for being a bit too sharp in expressing myself, but I really get agitated when discussing the term ‘religion’. I always try to find common areas that each religion nurtures. The first such similarity I found is God. I found You.

Now after a lot of conversations, which I have written down like keeping a diary, I started a Blog on the net in which I have added my personal experiences with ‘the uncommon dialogue’ as Neale has aptly put it as. This is what I feel might be a reason for you to flare up. I am aware of the rules like piracy, infringement of patents act etc, etc etc. So, I thought I would just about bring to your notice that I have conjured up something that is similar to Neale’s publication. Let me assure you that I have in no way brought harm or shame to his work. My blog address is You may please go through it for verification and if you still feel that I have made a mistake pardon this 24 year old ‘crook’ and then please let me know. I will make sure that I delete the blog totally. And just for your information, the ‘Neale’ that I repeatedly mention is Neale Donald Walsch who wrote Conversations with God (CwG).

Thank you,

Ajay J Nayar

MLR 102,


P.S: Please tell me if I should let Neale know about this doubt of mine, and also about my conversations with you and also this letter to you, God...?? You could reply to the email id i have added along with my address above.

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